Tips for Parenting an Empath

Children nowadays are being born into an entirely new vibrational frequency on planet Earth, so we do have a lot of very highly sensitive children.

Not only that, all of the parents are more psychically awake as well. We're in this phase on planet Earth where the vibration has changed. We've gone from a very dense reality into a more fluid and lighter reality as we've shifted in the cosmos.

The vibration on planet Earth is a lot lighter, meaning we are able to tap into things that are less dense like the spiritual world. We're more easily able to tap into other people's emotions as empaths, and we are more easily able to tap into psychic things going on in the collective consciousness here on planet Earth.

We are more easily able to channel spirit guides and angels too. It's a really unique time and place being on planet Earth where we are right now. 



An empath is someone who can feel other people's energy and emotions. This can be a conscious or unconscious experience. For children, since they're in a hypnotic state until they are about eight years old, this is always an unconscious pattern for them.

Being an empath can cause them to act out when they're around other kids who are acting out. They may become emotional when other kids are sad. They may rebel when they're around people they're uncomfortable around. It can show up in a lot of different ways.

In order to best help your empath children, it's essential to teach them how to be more aware of themselves, how to be aware of their emotions, how to define what their emotions are, recognize what emotions are coming from elsewhere, and how to help them feel really safe with what they're experiencing.

There are four primary things I'm going to cover... how to observe and label your emotions and physical sensations, how to ask your body if the emotion is theirs or someone else's, how to consciously feel then let go of the unwanted emotion, and how to chose their own state of being.

1) Observe and Label Your Emotions and Physical Sensations

The first thing you can teach your children is to label their emotions. Ask them how they're feeling. Can they label their emotion? Can they say, "I feel angry. I feel sad. I feel hurt. I feel happy. I feel weird."

Also, ask them what they are feeling in their body. Get them to practice observing what's going on in their body, because that's where we receive intuitive information. Do they feel something in their heart? Do they feel something in their belly? Do they feel something in their head? Where are they feeling the energy?

When you ask them these questions, they start asking themselves these questions. This teaches them to get in the habit of asking themselves, "how do I feel? How where do I feel it in my body? What do I feel in my body? Does it feel heavy? Does it feel light? Does it feel good? Does it feel bad? Does it feel open? Does it feel scary?"

Get them, in simple terms, to define what they're physically feeling and what they're emotionally feeling.

2) Ask if the Emotion is Theirs or Someone Else's

The second thing I want you to train your children to do is to ask them where is this emotion or feeling coming from. 

The two places that the emotion can be coming from is most likely a thought that they're having... "Do you feel scared because of a thought you're thinking?" If it is, "What is that thought?"

They might be scared because they're thinking a scary thought. Often it's not really based on anything that's happening in the real world. It's just a fear that comes up from their active imagination. Maybe they have a fear of their bunny dying or a fear that their friends not going to not be their friends anymore. Maybe they have some irrational fears that are going on, and that's causing their emotions.

If you can figure out what's going on in their mind that may be triggering the emotion, that's one way to define what's what they're feeling so that they learn how to navigate their own thoughts in relation to their emotions.

You can also ask them, "Are you feeling this way because of the thought you're thinking, or are you feeling other people's energy? Are you feeling other people's emotions?" This will allow them to self-reflect. They may start to pay attention to how other people's energy is affecting their energy.

This is a question I wish I had known to ask myself as a child. Had I realized that what I was feeling wasn't my own, that it was actually coming from someone else somewhere else, that would have given me a very different perspective.

Play around with how you ask these questions in a way that your child would best understand it. They may say, "I don't know" when you ask about feeling other people's emotions. But keep at it. The more you ask this question, the more they will think about it over time and eventually start to become aware of when it's happening.

Once you can observe that and feel that and the subtle differences, suddenly brings a new level of awareness. These are all things that we can do as adults, too. But they're things that you can train your children to do as well.

You can download my free PDF Empath Survival Guide for more tips on how to manage your empath abilities... 

3) Normalize and Calm the Experience

The third thing is to normalize the experience. Let them know it's okay to feel sad, scared, or angry. These are normal human emotions.

It's important to normalize this because we want children, and even as adults, we need to feel safe in our bodies. We need to feel safe with what we're experiencing. When we don't feel safe with what we're feeling, what we're thinking, what our body sensations are bringing us, or what our emotions are bringing us, we end up living in a state of fear and survival.

This creates an entire physiological response, where your heart rate goes up, the blood flow in your body completely changes, the blood flow to your brain completely changes, and your eyes dilate. It creates an entire physiological response when we're in fear and when we don't feel safe.

It's important to train yourself and your children to feel safe no matter what you're feeling. If you're having anxiety or if you're experiencing a panic attack, train yourself to be okay with it. When you train yourself and teach yourself and guide yourself with self-talk, self-coaching, and self-parenting, you normalize the experience.

This is a skill you need and your child needs. When it's okay to feel heavy emotions, suddenly, those emotions start to subside. When we realize that it's okay to feel uncomfortable, then we start to feel comfortable being uncomfortable. Then a lot of the pain actually goes away. A lot of the emotions go away. A lot of the physical sensations go away because suddenly we feel safe in our environment simply by knowing that it's okay to be safe being uncomfortable.

Honor what you're feeling. Teach your children to honor what they're feeling. By suppressing it, trying to push it away, believing it's a bad thing, and not. allowing yourself to fully process it or feel it, that's when things start to build up. That's when repressing those vibrations, energies, and emotions can get trapped in the cells of our body in our tissue. We can hold on to them for many years.

4) Choose Your Thoughts and Emotional State

We have a choice in the thoughts we think and how we want to feel. When you choose to feel good, you train yourself to keep coming back to that vantage point. When you keep coming back to the idea of who you want to be, you take control of your energy and are less influenced by others.

How do you want to feel? Do you like to feel calm? Confident? Happy?

What do you want to believe? Do you want to believe that everything is exactly as it should be? That there's always something good on the horizon? That life is always getting better and better even when things aren't always happy?

When you choose how you want to feel, suddenly, you now take your power back You take control over your life because you control how you think and feel. You're no longer at the whim of all of the people around you.

This is how you create healthy boundaries as an empath. First by acknowledging what's going on. By labeling it. By allowing yourself to experience what is. Allowing yourself to be safe even when feeling uncomfortable. Then make a conscious decision on how you want to feel today.

You can teach your kids that they get to choose to be happy. Happiness is a choice. Fun is a choice. It's not always based on external circumstances. We can choose to have fun doing anything. We can choose to have fun washing the dishes, cleaning our bedrooms, or cleaning up the playroom. We can choose to enjoy these moments. Or we can choose to feel crappy about these moments. The experience is our choice.

Because it's our choice, we get to choose the quality of life that we have. When you know that you have that power over your life, it gives you the power to be, do, or have anything you desire.

Teaching your child to choose their emotional state, to choose their thoughts at a very young age gives them so much power in their life.


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