So You Already Know You Have Unlimited Power & Potential...
"it's time to get your mind programmed for success, wealth, & efficiency with your time in one week!"
This quadruple bonus from SOUL MASTERY SCHOOL is now available to everyone...
Everything you need to reach your wealth goals fast!
Everything you need to attract wealth & master how you use your time in 7 days!
Course #1
Money Mindset Makeover
Train Yourself To Become A Wealth Magnet By Healing Your Old Money Stories & Re-Writing Your Money Future!
Rehaul all of your old limiting money stories and program your mind for the wealth you were born worthy of receiving!
It's time to step up & receive your destiny!
Money Mindset Makeover Includes...
✔️ 7 Essential Video Training:
♦︎ Your Connection To The Universe - Discover how your energy field can tap into the higher realms
♦︎ The Bridge To Everything You Want - Learn the most powerful part of your consciousness that will help you manifest and reach your goals
✔️ Workbook & Affirmation Guide:
♦︎ The Think Wealthy Workbook - This transformational workbook takes you on a journey to re-write your old money stories and build a new money identity
♦︎ 101 Money Affirmations Guide - Accelerate your wealth self-talk by adopting your favorite wealth affirmation and making them your own
✔️ Guided Meditation & Hypnosis:
♦︎ Money Manifestation Meditation - Expand your consciousness to draw in more wealth
♦︎ Transformational Wealth Hypnosis - Program your mind for attracting more money and mastering your wealth magnetism
"I manifested $30k in less than 2 weeks!"
"A family member needed finances for rehab recovery, and my sister and I were just absolutely terrified. We didn't know how we were going to pull this off. I did Natalie's practices, then a few days later, the finances came through! We didn't have to take out a loan! It was going to be $30 grand, and we manifested it! It's crazy! I'm so grateful."
Elizabeth Sande
Course #2
Rich Habits For Greater Success
Rapidly Start Thinking, Acting, & Feeling Like A Millionaire By Embodying The Top 10 Rich Habits That All Millionaires Share!
There are simple, little things that millionaires do that the average person doesn't.
Master these surprising habits to step into the millionaire version of you!
"Wealth was just coming to me in unexpected ways!"
“Since day one, I saw my financial struggles slowly fading away. Wealth was just coming to me from the most unexpected places. Some crazy opportunity happened, and my husband and I started our own small business, which is doing really well during these pandemic times. I'm so thankful for that.”
Dannen Celaya
Why Rich Habits?
In order to attract anything in life, including money, it's all about your habits.
It's about how you show up for life every day.
Your habits are automatic things you do that shape your personality, your actions, and your results.
There are habits that serve us well and create success, as well as hold us back from our manifestations.
In this course, you'll learn the top 10 habits that millionaires have so that you can adopt them as your own and get the same results!
These habits are simple and easy to implement into your life (and they're not what you think!).
It's time to start showing up as a millionaire for your life.
Because when you do...
Wealth starts showing up in your life in unexpected ways.
This is the fastest way to become a magnet for money.
Course #3
Rapid Habit Strategies
Accelerate Your Manifestation Abilities By Rapidly Stepping Into The Highest Version of Yourself NOW!
Do you know why people don't reach their goals & manifestations?
Every New Year Day millions of people set goals of things they want to manifest for the new year...
But less than 5% of people actually stick to their goals for 30 days or more.
Which means people don't know how to manifest!
We've all experienced this before...
You plan out the actions you're going to take...
You visualize in your mind what you will do...
Then something gets in the way, and you tell yourself... "I'll do it tomorrow."
And you never fully follow through because you don't know how to program yourself for the new habit from the inside out.
Not only do I give you the strategies for changing your habits permanently to get the manifestations and results you want...
I teach you how to do it in under a minute!
I give you exactly what you need to change your habits immediately in just a few seconds!
"I'm finally seeing the results I've been working towards!"
"I felt like every time I tried to create a new habit, I would do fine for a week or two, but then I'd fall back into my old patterns. With Natalie's Rapid Habit Strategies, I was finally able to stay in integrity with the things I've been aiming to manifest. It was so much easier than I thought it would be! I wish I had learned these strategies decades ago!"
Susi Oldenkamp
Course #4
Time Strategies: The Divine Feminine Timetable
Design Your Life Around The Energetic Cycles of Your Body & The Cosmos... Energetic Timing Allows You To Get More Done In Less TIme The Feminine Way!
We live in a world designed by the masculine...
Time and work weeks are optimized for the consistent male energy cycle...
So why are women trying to conform to this timetable when we're designed differently?
"This is GAME changer! I've learned so much about myself."
“I've always had deep beliefs in the power of the moon cycles and had some awareness of my own cycles, but this training opened my eyes to a different way of showing up in the world. I've learned how to embrace my cosmic connection in new ways and discovered things about myself through the process.”
Nina Moore
Time Strategies was created to honor not only the unique cycle of each woman...
But also to harness the magnetic energy within the sun & moon cycles.
This course is great for both men & women because we are all influenced by cosmic energy.
When you learn how to use the cosmic energy field to strategize how your spend your time & energy throughout the month...
You become more effient and get more done in less time!
You'll learn how to master when is the best time to take massive action...
When is the best time to plan, prepare, and be creative...
As well as when is the best time for reflection, assessment, and intentional healing to uplevel faster!
I've personally worked with this system for a few years now, and many of my students tell me it's their favorite part of my program.
I give you the step-by-step format you need to prioritize your time like you've never done before.
I promise these practices will help you bend time & align your life on a quantum level!
Ok, let's recap!
When you enroll in Manifesting Success & Abundance...
✔️ Money Mindset Makeover
♦︎ Heal your old money stories & limiting beliefs
♦︎ Create your new wealth story & program your mind for wealth
♦︎ 7 Part Video Training, 2 Workbooks, Guided Meditation, & Hypnosis
(Value: $552)
✔️ Rich Habits For Greater Success
♦︎ Learn the top 10 habits that all millionaires share
♦︎ Start matching the top 10 habits in your life to attract wealth
♦︎ 12 Part Video Training & Worbook
(Value: $422)
✔️ Rapid Habit Strategies
♦︎ Master your life by shifting your habits in seconds!
♦︎ Learn how to change both mental & physical habits instantly
♦︎ 2 Powerful Video Trainings & Workbook
(Value: $422)
✔️ Time Strategies: The Divine Feminine Timetable
♦︎ Bend reality by mastering your priorities & getting more done
♦︎ Learn the power of the cosmic moon & hormonal cycles to plan your life
♦︎ 4 Life-Changing Video Trainings & Workbook
(Value: $522)
It’s time to take your power back!
You deserve to have an amazing life filled will all of your manifestations!
See What My Students Are Saying:
"I knew Natalie was the coach I had been looking for right away!"
“I experienced an awakening three years ago, and the journey has been exponential since joining Natalie’s program! She taught me things on a deeper level and in a way that I never understood before. She takes you through every step of shifting your limiting beliefs, explains how energy works, the law of attraction, and how to shape your identity. I listen to her hypnosis every night, and the money manifestation meditation is incredible!”
Nicole Manning
"My relationships healed & I could thrive in my biz again!"
“I'm so thankful for Natalie’s teachings because I feel more confident about myself and my ability to work through emotions, instead of just shove things down and keep moving. After working through Natalie's program, and with her coaching, I have a lot more clarity moving forward in relationships, which has cleared space to be more present and thrive in my business.”
Kate Waldo
"Natalie truly embodies her teachings & practices what she preaches."
“Natalie is so intuitive and connected. She not only teaches you how to do that yourself but models that for you in coaching sessions, which I think is awesome! Natalie is extremely connected with the spiritual realm and the beyond. I love her confidence in that. I feel she really walks in that boldly, and I feel like that's a gift of hers.”
Allison Sande
NOTE: All purchases of products or services with Natalie Schlute through Miracle Ministry are by donation, gift, or contribution, and therefore 100% tax-deductible write-offs.